Saturday, July 25, 2009

Clearly blurred

Just refueled and now we r back at it. Jz likes to test the speed rating on our tires. Curtis is chatting with family, he sounds like a kid at christmas. He's barely talked or emailed anyone since we landed - I understand how he feels. I too have felt a bit detached. Maybe even a bit forgotten. Wasn't till I got to france that I realized only a couple friends even took time to send an email to say good bye. Life in DC is like that tho, lot of people get so caught up in work, events, family and friends ...I know I am guilty.

So its an odd thing to cut myself off from all that to be in a land where I speak very little and understand even less. To be so hyper-focused that I have no time to get caught up in my normal life or the smallest things I love: movies, cooking for friends, yard work, kayaking and of course riding/racing. Hell even watching what footage we have shot I view as entertainment and we can't take time to do it. For a month its been 2-4 cities a day and stopping only to sleep. It is also odd to email very little, to only be online a few times in a month. It makes each and every email from the states really, really welcome.

But it also makes me wary of returning to my selfish little world for fear of getting caught up in it. Or is that exactly what I'm doing right now?

And this is where you realize I am rambling. Hopefully that's ok and I haven't wasted your time. I think I am wearing thin. The semi-conscious thoughts of a worn out director on a quest about to end. We are close yet still we have kilometers before we sleep.

Thanks for listening.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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